In the beginning there was God – Perfection.
In the beginning was God & God spoke and it was so.
There were heavens, Earth, light, day, night, sky, stars, moon; trees with fruit, creatures of the
Land, sky & sea… God saw that it was good. – Perfection
In the beginning was God & God said “Let us make man in an image like Ours” and it was…
Not just so
Cause this time, He opted not to just simply speak us into being but He stopped what He was doing (cause we’re worth more than multitasking) & with careful consideration,
He reached down in into DUST…
(He must’ve gotten His hands dirty but I bet it didn’t matter cause He was SO caught up in this masterpiece He was about to make)
& He reached down into DUST…
(somewhat symbolic of what we are before His touch)
He reached down into DUST and gave that dust form & with His touch, He gave that dust identity & with His breath, He gave that dust Life.
He breathed His breath into the nostrils of that well-sculpted dust & instantly dust became a MASTERPIECE.
I imagine the angels lifted their heads & turned in awe as they tried to sneak a peak of the Creator’s most precious creation. (The creation story alone ought to tell us our worth!)
In the beginning there was - Perfection.
And then came Deception
Slithering into the garden’s perfect equation, a fraction of truth with a whole lot of lies
Hoping we’d not recognize his disguise…
And I guess we didn’t…
Cause we bought into the lie and bit into the fruit believing that God had withheld good from us.
See, that’s where the story goes downhill. We believe that God withholds good from us…
Not realizing that by believing his lies, we’ve shut out True Light.
See, that’s all the devil needs…
To make us think that the God who created us knows not how to take care of us.
To make us think that the God who says He loves us withholds good from us.
To make us think that thinking twice or thrice about obeying God’s law is right
And so he plants seeds of “baby lies” into our hands and
Enticing us, we take it to our mouths and
Swallowing, we pass it to our blood
Not knowing that it’d eventually reach our hearts.
But our hearts have within it the dirt that these seeds need to grow and so they grow until they’ve become great lies that now feel like they’re a part of us.
Our stomach gets upset
As we try to expel them from our system… thus starting the War.
His thoughts vs. God’s truth
God’s truth vs. his lies
He throws his punches one after the other.
Telling us:
“God doesn’t have your best interest at heart.”
“He’s slow to protect”
“Slow to provide”
“Why should you be the one to go through this trial?”
Since the inception of time
The prince of this world has specialized in denying us truth.
A master of his craft, he skillfully makes good seems bad and bad seems good. He bends and twists his lies until they’ve taken the form of truth.
Walk & talk like truth.
Sound and even feel like truth...
But not until examined closely under the Light will see through Lucifer’s lies.
Haven’t you realized…
that he specializes ONLY in counterfeit?
Truth – counterfeit
Joy – counterfeit
Counterfeit life which only leads to eternal death.
But in the beginning was the Word & the Word was with God and the Word was God.
In the beginning was the Word & had that Word not come to life to give light to those lies, we’d still be deceived.
Oh redemption that we cannot repay.
Sweet redemption that continues to save.
Redemption… to break us from the web and chains of deception.
Redemption to set us free from the bondage that kept us hostage to sin
REJOICE for redemption has come!
Praise God for redemption has come!
(but just a sec’) Redemption came at a cost my friends…
Someone’s blood now covers that price tag
Reminding us of our promise
To give our lives
To give our hearts
To give our time
To spend ourselves in devotion to the ministry of the Redeemer…
Remember that promise?
When did submerging ourselves in the ministry of Christ get out of style anyway?
When did we become entitled to use “our” time and resources the way we see fit?
Remember your promise?
Remember when we believed He was worth it?
Out of love Jesus paid it all.
Out of love, should we not give Him our all?
Ellice Prout
[email protected]