“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven”
“Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted”
“Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
“Blessed” certainly isn’t a term that most persons associate with being broken, hurt, tried or down.
But is it possible that as a result, we may miss the blessing in our pain?
Is it possible that, maybe God is doing us a favour when we hurt…? That His intentions are indeed good when our situation seems bad?
God’s a jealous God & He wants what belongs to Him.
We often times get distracted by this life, but He…
He still remembers what he created us for. He still remembers how we were supposed to dwell in perfect unity, perfect peace, perfect love with Him. He still remembers how He made our hearts to long for Him…ALONE.
He still remembers when that first thought of evil was conceived in man’s mind. He remembers the second Eve’s lips touched that fruit. HE remembers that very instant when His beloved lost their trust in Him and disobeyed. Yes, He remembers that day clearly… He remembers still, how much the fall of man hurt Him.
He remembers… and that’s why He sometimes tugs at our hearts through disappointment, heartbreak, sickness, pain, loss, death…
Because He remembers, He does what He must in order to regain our attention, our affection & our hope.
God doesn’t worry when we’re broken because He knows that unlike the things that we lose or the things that disappoint us, HE CAN’T FAIL!
He doesn’t worry when we’re on our knees because He knows we can find Him there.
He still remembers how He intended things to be…
But do we?
When things go well, do we remember that this isn’t home?
When life is “perfect”, do we long to see His face?
When we don’t experience loss, do we find all our comfort in God? Or do we find it in friends and family?
Do we still find our security in God, or does our security now come from a … pay cheque or… good health?
What if God’s just trying to protect us?
What if He’s simply trying to prevent us from becoming too comfortable… too attached?
You see friends,
God loves us enough to separate us from this world.
Like an adhesive, he gently pulls us away from the things we cling to.
And like a babe, we cry
Wondering why He’d choose to hurt us.
But Oh, how He loves us!
Yes, He loves us enough to allow pain sometimes.
What unique love!
He loves us enough to want us only for Himself.
He loves us enough that He takes us from “seemingly good” and leads us to His best.
He loves us enough that He subjected His only Son to the Cross (for our sake)
More than 2000 years later, and He’s never left us
He has never given up on us.
He longs for us
Waits for us
I can imagine how excited He is to be with us eternally
To be reunited with His uniquely designed, one of a kind, won’t ever find another model like- creation.
I can imagine how He longs for the day when things will be how they were meant to be… J
And so, He wants us to remember that the pain & the disappointment won’t linger forever.
He wants us to remember that the suffering only lasts for a night.
He wants us to remember that He’s near
He wants our hearts to turn to Him
To long for Him
To wait for Him
To hope in Him.
For it is true that pain allows our hearts to hope for something better…
And He knows…
Ohh, He knows …
That we will never find better satisfaction than our souls find in Him.
“Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted”
“Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
“Blessed” certainly isn’t a term that most persons associate with being broken, hurt, tried or down.
But is it possible that as a result, we may miss the blessing in our pain?
Is it possible that, maybe God is doing us a favour when we hurt…? That His intentions are indeed good when our situation seems bad?
God’s a jealous God & He wants what belongs to Him.
We often times get distracted by this life, but He…
He still remembers what he created us for. He still remembers how we were supposed to dwell in perfect unity, perfect peace, perfect love with Him. He still remembers how He made our hearts to long for Him…ALONE.
He still remembers when that first thought of evil was conceived in man’s mind. He remembers the second Eve’s lips touched that fruit. HE remembers that very instant when His beloved lost their trust in Him and disobeyed. Yes, He remembers that day clearly… He remembers still, how much the fall of man hurt Him.
He remembers… and that’s why He sometimes tugs at our hearts through disappointment, heartbreak, sickness, pain, loss, death…
Because He remembers, He does what He must in order to regain our attention, our affection & our hope.
God doesn’t worry when we’re broken because He knows that unlike the things that we lose or the things that disappoint us, HE CAN’T FAIL!
He doesn’t worry when we’re on our knees because He knows we can find Him there.
He still remembers how He intended things to be…
But do we?
When things go well, do we remember that this isn’t home?
When life is “perfect”, do we long to see His face?
When we don’t experience loss, do we find all our comfort in God? Or do we find it in friends and family?
Do we still find our security in God, or does our security now come from a … pay cheque or… good health?
What if God’s just trying to protect us?
What if He’s simply trying to prevent us from becoming too comfortable… too attached?
You see friends,
God loves us enough to separate us from this world.
Like an adhesive, he gently pulls us away from the things we cling to.
And like a babe, we cry
Wondering why He’d choose to hurt us.
But Oh, how He loves us!
Yes, He loves us enough to allow pain sometimes.
What unique love!
He loves us enough to want us only for Himself.
He loves us enough that He takes us from “seemingly good” and leads us to His best.
He loves us enough that He subjected His only Son to the Cross (for our sake)
More than 2000 years later, and He’s never left us
He has never given up on us.
He longs for us
Waits for us
I can imagine how excited He is to be with us eternally
To be reunited with His uniquely designed, one of a kind, won’t ever find another model like- creation.
I can imagine how He longs for the day when things will be how they were meant to be… J
And so, He wants us to remember that the pain & the disappointment won’t linger forever.
He wants us to remember that the suffering only lasts for a night.
He wants us to remember that He’s near
He wants our hearts to turn to Him
To long for Him
To wait for Him
To hope in Him.
For it is true that pain allows our hearts to hope for something better…
And He knows…
Ohh, He knows …
That we will never find better satisfaction than our souls find in Him.