"When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon the stars which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him and the son of man that you care for him?" - Psalm 8:3-4 (ESV)
"The more you lose yourself in something bigger than yourself, the more energy you will have" - Norman Vincent Peale (Methodist minister and author of"The Power of Positive Thinking"). A few years ago, scientists and astronomers discovered in deep space what they have called "The Dark Attractor" - a huge, unknown mass in space that seems to be pulling our galaxy (the Milky Way) and tens of thousands of other galaxies toward itself at a tremendous speed - approximately 14 million miles per hour (mph). In an editorial of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch entitled, "On the Edge of Heaven", there was this timely observation:
"Scientists themselves seem star-struck by the massiveness of this discovery (The Dark Attractor) and admit that it will only add to their already substantial difficulties in explaining the universe's mysteries. To the poets and psalmists, the mystery is the same as it always has been: "What is man, that thou art mindful of him"
Often when we study the universe, or listen to the news...even when we read our Bibles, it is easy to try to view the world through the lenses of our own ability and intellect. Every now and then, God has to (in a sense) bring us down to size. The reality is that, when everything is brought to the table, we are simply dust that has been made significant by GOD. Psalm 8 outlines the privilege of human beings: even though created lower in order than the spiritual, angelic beings, we have been crowned with glory and honor by God (v. 5b) - we have received dominion over God's creation (v. 6a, 7-8) - we have been made the stewards of "all things" (v. 6b) - Great position - great worth - great responsibility. And yet, in the same breath, the awesomeness of the created world leads the psalmist to quake and ask in verse 4, "WHAT IS MAN...?"
Acknowledging our enormous worth in the created order and YET also acknowledging our relative insignificance in the grand scheme - this is the tense and perfect balance of life. Humanity's right response....true response.....only response to your Maker must be HUMILITY. Think about this question: "When was the last time God got more glory from your life than YOU did?"
"For from Him and through Him and to Him are ALL THINGS. To Him be the glory forever. AMEN" - Romans 11:36
Pastor Andrew Smith
[email protected]
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