Ephesians 3:20 says, "Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us". One of the amazing accounts of the Bible is the miracle of the birth of Isaac in Genesis 21. The Bible says that Sarah was 90 years old and Abraham was 100 - both were naturally way past the 'cut off' point for children. In spite of this they went at it :) Sarah conceived and gave birth to Isaac: the son that God had promised to them. What a blessing! What a miracle!
Most people ignore the subsequent chapters: the Bible says that Sarah died at the age of 127 years old (Gen. 23:1) and that Abraham eventually took another wife [Keturah - Gen. 25:1] and had another six children. Whoa!
This is the same Abraham that was convinced that he couldn't have one child at the ripe old age of 100.......now he has another six children in his mid-100s :) Friends, that's a testimony of the power of God, He is able to do the impossible - YES! But He is also able to abundantly exceed the impossible. The challenge to us today is to ask ourselves the questions, "Do I limit God?" "Do I doubt His ability to exceed my expectations in my relationships, my finances, my dreams, my family, etc...?" The Word of God is very clear about His ability to do anything He wills - "Is anything too hard for the LORD?" What do you think?
Pastor Andrew Smith
[email protected]